All Saints provides a place of friendship, opportunities for socializing and for creative expression for groups and individuals.
Services valued at over $13 Million per year

We offer case management services, counselling, advocacy, nursing care, and provide referrals to other resources outside All Saints like legal and housing supports.

Our services are provided with respect, compassion, and without prejudice to all who seek them.

Our staff put people, their goals and needs, at the center of everything we do, and strive to create a place that is welcoming, supportive, and accessible.
Our impact in one year
*based on information collected in 2015 survey
We Build Community
All Saints builds a strong sense of community and neighbourhood. John, who once was tormented by those who had badly beaten him, would rarely leave his apartment except to come to the refuge offered by nearby All Saints Church, Sherbourne Street. After ten years of terror, his name finally rose to the top of the waiting list for safer housing. Yet though he has now found security in a different neighbourhood, John still returns often to All Saints in appreciation of what it has meant to him.
We Foster Family
All Saints cultivates a sense of family and belonging. Among those who have borne derogatory labels such as “drug addict”, “sex trade worker”, “developmentally deficient”, they are able to show their gifts, strengths and capacities that our wider Toronto community often has failed to recognize. They provide a sense of family to each other, caring for each other and for the building’s facilities. They provide protection for each other and for staff and for the drop-in space. They are accepting of each other. They help out at the church, cleaning, gardening, unloading the trucks; they offer us real-world skills as well like construction, stone masonry, carpentry, and musicianship.
We Are an Economic Catalyst
All Saints provides a measurable economic impact that would mean a huge financial loss to the city economy were All Saints to disappear. The June, 2016 report of the Toronto Halo Project exploring the economic impact of faith communities in the City of Toronto estimated All Saints to have an annual economic impact on its surrounding community of $13,547,274.73. The report also states, “All Saints exhibits a remarkable spending to impact ratio of 1:34” in relating its economic impact on the community to its direct spending. (
We Build a Safer Neighbourhood
All Saints lowers the levels of violence and bullying in the neighbourhood because there is a respect for the church building’s “turf”. The Halo Report declares, “When exploring the category of Individual Impact in greater detail we observe that crime prevention and prevention of suicide serve as the largest two areas of impact.” The study sets an annual value of $3,770,850 that All Saints contributes to the community through the prevention of suicide and $8,224,740 that our ministry contributes by the prevention of crime.
We Build Community
All Saints builds a strong sense of community and neighbourhood. John, who once was tormented by those who had badly beaten him, would rarely leave his apartment except to come to the refuge offered by nearby All Saints Church, Sherbourne Street. After ten years of terror, his name finally rose to the top of the waiting list for safer housing. Yet though he has now found security in a different neighbourhood, John still returns often to All Saints in appreciation of what it has meant to him.

We Foster Family
All Saints cultivates a sense of family and belonging. Among those who have borne derogatory labels such as “drug addict”, “sex trade worker”, “developmentally deficient”, they are able to show their gifts, strengths and capacities that our wider Toronto community often has failed to recognize. They provide a sense of family to each other, caring for each other and for the building’s facilities. They provide protection for each other and for staff and for the drop-in space. They are accepting of each other. They help out at the church, cleaning, gardening, unloading the trucks; they offer us real-world skills as well like construction, stone masonry, carpentry, and musicianship.
We Are an Economic Catalyst
All Saints provides a measurable economic impact that would mean a huge financial loss to the city economy were All Saints to disappear. The June, 2016 report of the Toronto Halo Project exploring the economic impact of faith communities in the City of Toronto estimated All Saints to have an annual economic impact on its surrounding community of $13,547,274.73. The report also states, “All Saints exhibits a remarkable spending to impact ratio of 1:34” in relating its economic impact on the community to its direct spending. (

We Build a Safer Neighbourhood
All Saints lowers the levels of violence and bullying in the neighbourhood because there is a respect for the church building’s “turf”. The Halo Report declares, “When exploring the category of Individual Impact in greater detail we observe that crime prevention and prevention of suicide serve as the largest two areas of impact.” The study sets an annual value of $3,770,850 that All Saints contributes to the community through the prevention of suicide and $8,224,740 that our ministry contributes by the prevention of crime.
Donate Online
Much of the work we do at All Saints depends on the contributions and generosity of our community. We invite you to donate as you are able via CanadaHelps our online payment provider.