
Friends of All Saints may remember Dan from a cover story in The Toronto Star last February. He had been sheltering on the TTC and in coffee shops until our staff helped find him an apartment.

He says, “When I first got here, I had nothing. Now I’ve got a lot more than that, and a lot of it because of the church, and the people.”

“I found that people were pretty open to me being here,” he says. “People were pretty friendly, so why go away? I kept coming back.”

Dan contributes to All Saints in countless ways. An active member of the art group, he donated the proceeds he earned from selling his work at a show last June. This month, he helped prepare and pay for a drop-in spaghetti lunch — though he didn’t want us to tell anyone about it on the day.

When asked what inspired his latest act of generosity, Dan said, “It was something that I could give back. I’ve been on the other side of the tracks, and I want to reverse that trend. I feel good about doing this stuff.” 

Dan has recently taken on a formal volunteer role in our drop-in. All Saints staff are thrilled to welcome him aboard.