All Saints Associate Priest, 2012-2017.
The Rev’d Joanna Manning is an Anglican priest in the Diocese of Toronto.
In her life so far, she has been a Roman Catholic nun, then married and divorced, mother and now grandmother. And through a life time of teaching, writing, and advocating reform of the Roman Catholic Church, she has now come to a place in the Anglican Church where her energies are channelled into in serving God’s people. She ministered at All Saints Church Community Centre for five years where she ran the Sunday services and formed part of their outreach team for women sex workers. Now she is serving the English and Spanish congregations at Church of the Holy Trinity, Eaton Centre Square.
Theology has always been a key focus in her life, but never as a merely academic exercise. Inspired by the writings of Latin American and feminist theologians, she has tried to work out a synthesis between theology and action, rooted in Jesus’ teachings.